Risk management Prevention HSE Safety management under decree 92 (PdP) or decree 94 (PPSPS) Follow-up of highly technical site
ADR Waste Management: Materials Transport Management, Safety Advisors Soil and Rack Pollution Environmental Aspects and Impacts
UTO,OHSAS 18001,MASE IUC,ISO 14001,ISO 9001,ISO 26000,CEFRI, Labels Diversity and professional equality Quality management by process - Management and document management
MRC Technical Assistance: Mechanics, Rotating Machines, Fittings, Boilerwork, Capacities, Tests Technical Assistance AE: Automatism, Electricity, Tests, Driving, SdIN deployment
Safety Analysis and Reports Dependability Management of Significant Events Radiation Protection (PCR) ALARA Approach
Site Management, Coordination of Works, HSE Supervision of Assembly of Equipment, Assembly of Equipment and Installations, Assembly Inspection and Quality Control
Industrial Design Industrial Maintenance Dismantling Deconstruction Asbestos Removal
Supply Logistics Project Management Fluid Engineering, Plumbing, Thermal, Electricity, Engineering Structure - Construction Design and Execution Designer 2D/3D
Project, Purchasing and Support: Cost Control, Project Management, Planning, Contract Engineering, Inspection & Follow-up of Subcontractors, Document Management.
Preparation of Operational Manuals, Realization of tests before commissioning, Supervision and Inspection, Start-Up Coordination.
RQSE-DD management system of the compagny's ASI
Since 2009, A.S.I. has been involved in a continuous improvement approach in the management of radiation protection, quality, safety and the environment (RQSE). Thus, the company A.S.I. has obtained the following certifications
Management QHSE-Radioprotection | CEFRI-E - Ind. 20 | 1 january 2021 |
Management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail | OHSAS 18001v2007 | 16 december 2021 |
Système commun | MASE-UIC | 03 april 2021 |
Management de l'environnement | ISO 14001v2015 | 12 september 2021 |
Management de la qualité | ISO 9001v2015 | 12 september 2021 |
Management de la qualité EDF | UTO / EDF | 30 january 2023 |
Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies | Un Global Compact | 23 march 2019 |
Développement durable | CAP 26000/RSE | None |
Transition OHSAS 18001 vers ISO 45001 | ISO 45001 | June 2020 |
Radiation protection policy | MN-FI-09 | 15 april 2020 |
Quality Policy, Safety, Environment & Sustainable Development | MN-FI-03 | 05 may 2020 |
The integrated management system set up within A.S.I. aims to guarantee the quality of the service while respecting the health and safety of staff and the protection of the environment.
Since 2013, as part of the renewal of our certifications OHSAS 18 001 and ISO 14 001, the company A.S.I. mandated Bureau Veritas to carry out a complete audit of our integrated management system, in order to validate the operation of our entire management system.
The staff of the company ASI, often working outside the premises of the company, an intranet has been developed, to make accessible at any time and to each employee, the entire management system as well as the internal communication documents.
You want to exercise professional responsibilities, work in an ambitious and competent team?
You have all the assets to join our team.
Send us an application form to:
4, rue Paul SABATIER
26700 Pierrelatte
by e-mail : recrutement@a-s-ingenierie.com
4, rue Paul Sabatier